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Opportunity to work in big companies in India and worldwide

Businesses need Data Analysts to make the right decisions

Why Data Analyst?

The Demand is very high

Job conditions

The average salary for a fresher is ₹500,000 per annum

Competitive wage

This course is for you if:

You do not have coding experience, but want to get a quick-start in IT career

You are a fresher and seeking some real-world experience in IT world

You want to get real skills, and not just a certificate

You want to switch your career from Sales, Finance, Marketing...ANY field, and get a new IT profession


I am fully satisfied with the Coding Invaders’ Data Analyst Course. It’s made as per the industry standards and helps you become a pro to bag your dream job!
Vikash Anshuman Thakur
Data Analyst Course
Prateek Parimal
Data Analyst Course
Mujaheed Andul Wahab
Data Analyst Course
Coding Invades’ data analytics course really made me a hero from zero in the IT field with its dedicated team of mentors, weekly webinars, and live sessions!